Welcome to GoalBridge

Professional Advice Which is

Uncomplicated, Unbiased and Unique

to your personal finance situation

I am Roshni Nayak, the founder of GoalBridge.
I am one of the few fee-only SEBI Registered Investment Advisers in India.
I help you connect your Money with your Goals!

What I can do for you

I help you to carve out your financial roadmap which allows you to focus on your goals and achieve them in a structured and disciplined manner. 

I offer customised financial planning solutions that involve a very in-depth process centered around your financial life and identifying the blind spots and pain points that affect it. The financial plan is dynamic and robust to strengthen your financial immunity and tackle any uncertainties.

This holistic financial planning exercise is likely to lend you pristine clarity and confidence about your financial future.

Why do you need a Financial Plan

With a financial plan in place, you increase your chances of achieving your financial goals.

Simply put, you have the money on hand whenever you require the funds for your purpose.  Sticking to a financial plan empowers you to make the right financial decisions and more importantly, avoid the wrong ones. Like the stock market noise, the constant sales pitch of intermediaries, and free advice on social media. It also helps you withstand and survive the uncertain times in the future.

It is a holistic approach to managing personal finances which will help you to connect the dots. 

How will you benefit

I am one of the few fee-only SEBI registered financial advisors (RIA) in India. I charge a flat fee for the advice dispensed based on the time and amount of work involved.

As a fiduciary, the entire approach I follow is professional, transparent and utmost care is taken to keep your information confidential. I work in your best interest to provide well-researched, conflict-free advice and personalised solutions. I am not affiliated with any mutual fund house, insurance company bank or any other such entity to sell financial products. So, I receive no commissions or incentive or referral fees of any kind. I help to plug the leaks where you are paying unnecessary high commissions, any hidden costs or fees.

The eventual financial benefit over the long run is way more than the fixed and reasonable financial planning fee you pay. 

Micro blog


Video Playlist
1/1 videos
5 Money Points Every Woman should Remember
5 Money Points Every Woman should Remember

Mandatory Regulatory disclosures

Complaints at beginning of the month

Received During the Month

Resolved during the month

Pending at End of the month

Total Reasons for Pendency#






Grand Total





As on Date: 30 September, 2024