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How financial planning helps an anxious investor during market declines?
Thumb rules do not always work in personal finance
Financial planning is less about numbers and more about people. At times, thumb rules do not work. Every story is different, every financial situation is
Should Gold be part of your Emergency Fund?
In old Bollywood movies, gold has been typically projected as a last resort in situations of extreme financial distress. The traditional belief that gold stashed
How to use income ladder strategy in fixed deposits?
In 2021, Mr. A invested Rs.6 lakh in a 5 year fixed deposit, earning around 5.5 per cent p.a. After bottoming out, interest rates in
How having a contingency fund can protect your long-term investments?
It is common knowledge that an emergency fund can help in any kind of contingencies – be it medical, job loss, sudden repairs, etc. It
Key points to bear in in mind while porting your health insurance policy
Did you know that you can port your health insurance policy just like your mobile number? If you are not happy with your policy, you
RBI Floating Rate Bonds – Reset in interest rates (July-December 2023)
The half-yearly interest reset of RBI Floating rate bonds has happened in July. From July 1 till December 31st 2023, the interest rates on these
Should you book profits in the stock markets now?
With markets making new highs & topping headlines recently, it is tempting to get swayed by the market noise. Timing the market never works unless
A brief on Mahila Samman Savings Certificate 2023 – should you invest?
The Union Budget 2023 had announced a new small savings scheme exclusively for women. This was to encourage women investors to save. While it was
Post Office Interest Rates – July-September 2023
Post office interest rates are market linked and are revised every quarter depending upon the movement of long & short term market rates in general.
Is your mutual fund distributor working in your financial interest?
While there are many fintech platforms coming up which offer direct plans, there are a large portion of investors who mostly purchase mutual funds from