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How financial planning helps an anxious investor during market declines?
Health insurance vs Personal Medical Fund
A prospect recently asked me this during a preliminary discussion – What if I do not buy health insurance and save money on paying premiums?
If you are Salaried, do not forget to do this by April end
The tax regime opted by an individual will decide how much tax will be deducted from his/her salary income. From financial year 2023-24, if you
Are debt funds still attractive for investors sans the indexation and LTCG benefit?
With a view to remove the tax disparity between debt mutual funds and other fixed income instruments like FDs, the government has finally approved the
How many Mutual Funds should you have in your Portfolio?
If you are preparing Khichdi for 2 people or 25 people, what is the difference? The difference is of quantity, you need more of the
New vs Old Tax regime – how to choose post Budget?
Whether one should opt for the old or new tax regime depends upon the extent of tax benefits claimed in the form of deductions. Practically
Do you know your rights with change in bank locker rules from 1 January, 2023?
Bank locker rules have changed from January 1,2023. This mandate was part of RBI’s directive about bank locker operations and to protect the interest of
The One thing you should start tracking in your financial life from New Year 2023
As a financial adviser, I always reiterate that how much income you earn does not matter. How well you manage that money and put it
Avoid setting the wrong expectations with children about your legacy
Recently, a retiree approached me for investment consultation. The first thing she casually asked is if some money should be gifted to her 23-year old
What does financial freedom mean to you?
Most people equate financial freedom with retirement. People set milestones – ‘I want to accumulate an X amount by age 40 and then retire’. But