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How financial planning helps an anxious investor during market declines?
Can you yearly invest Rs.1.5 lakh each, in your and your minor child’s PPF account?
A recent conversation with a Client made me realise that many are not aware of PPF rules. Read on further: Client: Want to invest Rs.1.5
Know the tax impact on the gifts you receive
We receive various gifts in cash or kind from family, friends and relatives on different occasions. It is better to know the tax impact on
What is The ONE THING that YOU should DO today to be in control of your Financial Future?
I reflected on my past experiences to scout for an answer to the above question. From nearly a decade’s experience in the financial planning profession,
The new SEBI rule on nominations in mutual funds – What you need to know
SEBI has directed all mutual fund houses to either get investors, both new and existing, to nominate or specify in a given format that they
What women really need?
Candid money conversations with women clients made me realise that financial needs of women are no different from men. Women need adequate life & health
Taking calculated risk or blind risk in investments?
I have observed people bragging about making money in troubled companies like Jet airways, Yes bank, etc., and which actually had nothing to do with
Prepay home loan or invest – the typical dilemma
Prepay home loan or invest? I was asked this query recently in webinars. With interest rates tapering off, I have seen discussions on financial forums
Money conversations with kids
My 7.5 years old daughter recently asked me out of curiosity about the exact nature of my job. I explained in simple terms “I help
Do peer pressure affect your finances?
Keeping up with the Joneses simply means relative comparison with social circle for the confirmation of one’s economic and social status. It happens to everyone
Random investing is like…..
This is the best and classic analogy that can be thought of for Investing!